About Us
Safed.co.il is dedicated to providing up-to-date information on the city of Safed, its people, its history, its places of importance, and its cultural events.
A special thanks to Andy Alpern for donating many of the wonderful photographs of Safed seen in this site. Check out http://www.golem.ws/ for more information about Andy and his work.
Contact Information
This site is currently operated by a team of writers, researchers, designers, and programmers. Safed.co.il is devoted to providing accurate, up-to-date information on any subject relating to the city of Safed. Our goal is to offer readers insight into this mystical city to be used both by tourists planning a visit to the city and by residents looking for in depth information into their home.
We are always happy to read our visitors questions and suggestions. If you have a comment, please go to our Contact Us page and complete our easy-to-use contact form.